School Logo to Boost School Spirit

The goal is of this project was to help figure out a school logo that everyone likes so that we could create stickers, magnets, and other items to spread school pride.

2018-2019 Leadership Class

  • Contacted Mr. Baer to about past surveys
  • Created a new survey about what students and staff thought the logo was
  • Took the survey answers and figured out a logo
  • Contacted Mr. Jakusik about the business club and his logo
  • Looked at a website about where to buy stickers and magnets
  • Talked to him about which ones to buy
  • The project was put on hold, as a booster group has taken over coordinating planning

Click here to connect to folder of Logo/Seal information compiled by Chris Baer

Student Leader: Alley Estrella

Faculty Mentor: Olsen Houghton, Brian Jakusik, Chris Baer