Welcome to Middletown High School!


 At Middletown High School we believe that Ensuring Success for Every Student is not just a motto... it's a way of life. 

Our tight-knit, school community is committed to closely monitoring student learning based on each person's unique strengths and challenges.  When our students encounter academic, social, and/or emotional obstacles, we believe in providing systemic interventions that are delivered after careful consideration of individual learning preferences. 

We also recognize that not all students learn at the same pace. When students demonstrate mastery of intended outcomes, we also seek to provide engaging enrichment opportunities to bring classroom learning to life.  

It is our hope that all students participate fully in their learning en route to exploring curiosities and discovering their identities as life long learners.

Islanders, we encourage you to seize academic opportunities, take intellectual risks, persevere on the playing field, and immerse yourself in extra-curricular activities. As the newest members of the long-standing Islander tradition, we expect that you will represent your family, friends, faculty, and community  well. Wear the Blue and White proudly and never forget...

Be Kind and Take Pride... Have Islander Pride!


The Middletown High School Student Handbook will provide important information regarding many aspects of Islander life. While we have done our best in compiling a list of guiding principles, rules, and regulations, this handbook is not meant to serve as the all-encompassing tome of Middletown High School. Rather, this resource should be considered in concert with other guiding documents including, but not limited to: 

Finally, please note that modifications to this document may be necessary to promote a healthy learning environment. The Middletown High School administrative team reserves the right to make such changes when warranted.