Electronic Devices

Cell Phones and Electronic Devices

The use of cell phones and other electronic devices in the classroom can be disruptive to the educational process if used improperly. Therefore, the use of cell phones and other electronic devices is prohibited in the classroom (including the computer labs, the gym, and during Advisory and assemblies) unless otherwise designated by the teacher for a specific academic purpose. Upon entering the classroom, all electronic devices must be turned off and put away. Students who violate this rule in a classroom will be required to surrender the device, which will be retained in the Main Office and released to a parent/guardian. Students who refuse to surrender their device will be subject to disciplinary action.  

 Students may use electronic devices (see exceptions below) any time outside the classroom (before and after school, during passing time, and during lunchtime). Should the use of electronic devices cause a disruption to the school or interfere with the learning of others, however, students will be required to surrender the device.   Middletown High School is not responsible for personal technology that is lost, damaged, or stolen during or after the regular school day.


Students are permitted to have ONE earbud in when traveling in the hallway/eating lunch. This ensures that should the student need to be addressed by a member of the faculty/staff/student body they can still hear the message. Middletown High School is not responsible for personal technology that is lost, damaged, or stolen during or after the regular school day.

The MHS Administration will continually review student adherence to the rules for the acceptable use of electronic devices and reserves the right to revoke this privilege at any time


(A) Cameras and Video/Audio Recorders

Cameras and video recorders should only be used for educational purposes when authorized by school personnel. Students who violate this rule will be required to surrender the device, which will be retained in the Main Office. This device will only be released to a parent/guardian after the student has served the appropriate consequence. At no time should a student ever video tape, photograph, or audio record a teacher or another student without their permission. Students who violate the personal rights of staff or other students will be subject to disciplinary consequences.  

(B) Pagers and Laser Pointers/Walkie Talkies

RI General Law 16-21.2-11 prohibits students from possessing pagers or laser pointers of any kind on school property. Students who violate this law will be required to surrender the device, which will be retained in the Main Office. This device will only be released to a parent/guardian after the student has served the appropriate consequence.