Community, Commitment & Covenant

(Care for One Another)

We Need Each Other | John Piper

Koinonía can be a sharing in the benefits of the death of Jesus, or in the financial relief of the saints, or in the sufferings of Christ. So when we talk about Christian koinonia — fellowship or sharing or participation that is unique to our relationship with other believers — what we are referring to is the shared union, the shared participation that we have together with Christ.

So Paul says in 1 Corinthians 1:9, “You were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” Which probably means both (1) sharing vertically in the union each of us has in Christ, and (2) sharing together with other believers the common union we have with Christ and each other. KEEP READING

THEM is a story of developing richer relationships by caring for others. You’ll read real-life stories of people giving of themselves, expecting nothing, yet who gain everything in return that matters most. John Certalic weaves his deeply personal story with the stories of others, to show we can all become part of a much larger, more meaningful story than our own.

The purpose of Christian care ministry provides not only an encouraging blueprint for our service, but it relieves the burdens we so often feel in care relationships. We are not being called to carry an emergency kit for exhaustively diverse solutions for any and every possible problem. Certainly we want to grow wise for many different life situations, but our primary calling in ministering to the needs of fellow Christians is to point them (as they point us) back to the Cross and "embed" them (as they "embed" us) back into the narrative of the Gospel.

Ten Building Blocks for Grace-Filled Community | Adapted from Community and Growth by Jean Vanier