
No road is long with good company. — Turkish Proverb

Discover Relational Wisdom | Ken Sande

Why do some people seem to have closer and more enduring friendships and marriages than others? Why do they perform so well in the workplace and advance so quickly in their careers? How do they maintain such a close and influential connection with their children and relatives? Why do they seem to have less conflict, and when it does arise, why are they so good at resolving it quickly and completely? Most importantly, why do they have such a relaxed and appealing Christian witness? KEEP READING

In our belief that friendship should somehow be effortless or completely organic, we often hinder ourselves from experiencing the very relationships we long for. We also are prone to pressurizing our desire for belonging, where people become outsized and God’s constant friendship is undervalued.

I want readers to recognize the ways they hinder themselves. I want them to know that friendship is, in fact, not effortless and not without challenges; it’s built upon perseverance and a willingness to bear with one another in all things.

Building Friendships and Strong Supports | Nairy Ohanian

When individuals receive their call to the global harvest, both they and their chosen agency immediately begin to build a financial and prayer sending team. Without monetary resources and prayer, new recruits will not be going anywhere. But this critical and wise step is just the beginning of a greater team that must be built. An entire relational support structure needs to be created on various levels, both in the home country and in the field of service, to sustain the workers in joy and effectiveness. KEEP READING

Brené Brown explains the difference between Empathy and Sympathy in this RSA Short film.

Sharpening Your Interpersonal Skills | Online Course developed by Ken Williams of Wycliffe

Everyone wishes they did it right. For example, you say something that you regret, someone says something to you that you can’t forget, they get offended or you get offended. Sadly, this is the experience of Christ followers everywhere. SYIS Online is ideal for any Christ follower who wishes to truly become more loving and effective in their relationships with others. SYIS Online courses are highly interactive. Participants work and practice together in pairs, small groups, and as a whole group. The best methods of adult education are utilized so that maximum learning takes place. MORE INFO

War of Words | Paul Tripp

Have you been cut by the words of another person? Do you regret words that you have spoken?

Best-selling author and pastor Paul Tripp recognizes both the power and importance of words in everyday life. In his book, War of Words: Getting to the Heart of Your Communication Struggles, Tripp teaches us how the gospel transforms the way we communicate.

This book will direct you to a renewed reliance on your heavenly Father's abundant grace and a more Christ-honoring, people-benefiting life of talk.

Seven Steps to Empathy | Ken Sande

Without empathy, it’s hard to have real relationship.

The good news is that since each of us is made in the image of God, we have a natural capacity for developing and exercising God-like empathy.

Are you practicing this marvelous gift in your life? KEEP READING