
Define yourself radically as one beloved by God. This is the true self. Every other identity is illusion.

- Brennan Manning

Yes, You Can Say 'No' In Ministry | Gospel Coalition

In order to say ‘no,’ we have to believe that our identity lies in whom God says we are, not in whom others might think we are.

We recently moved to a brand-new city, leaving a rich community after 13 years. We were involved in so many good things there, but I was often completely spent. At one point, I told some friends I was finished serving people—serving people only led to pain and suffering and I wanted nothing more to do with it.

After I said those hardened words, I began soul-searching. I found I’d been treating every need I encountered as an assignment from God. I never paused, questioned, or prayed about any of it; I just did and did and did some more. I felt broken and crushed by the weight of all the needs around me, and I often served out of compulsion, bitterness, or my own waning strength, never believing I could say “no” in ministry and trust God as provider.

As followers of Christ, we will often be “poured out as a drink offering” in our ministries (Phil. 2:17; 2 Tim. 4:6). No doubt there are times when we are called to say “yes” in ministry—even when it’s difficult or inconvenient—to “toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within [us]” (Col. 1:29), remembering that Jesus was poured out for us.

I want to question the driving forces behind our cultural norm of ministry overcommitment.


It is your privilege to listen to your own story so you can live boldly for the sake of the Greatest Story, the good news of Jesus Christ. God reveals himself to you–and to others–through the story he has written in your life.

In this insightful and compelling book, Dr. Dan B. Allender shows you how to read the stories of your life. He helps you understand the meaning that God has written into every detail of who you are. As a result, you can share your story with others and listen to their story, revealing unique aspects of God’s hand at work.

Learn how to see your worth through God's eyes and how to be free to enjoy Christ's love while no longer basing your self-worth on accomplishments or the opinions of others.

In this re-launch of this timeless classic you will:

  • Gain new skills for getting off the performance treadmill

  • Discover how four false beliefs have negatively impacted your life

  • Learn how to overcome obstacles that prevent you from experiencing the truth that your self-worth is found only in the love, acceptance, and forgiveness of Christ

Abba's Child | Brennan Manning

We’ve bought into the lie that we are worthy of God’s love only when our lives are going well. If our families are happy or our jobs are meaningful, life is a success. But when life begins to fall through the cracks and embarrassing sins threaten to reveal our less-than-perfect identity, we scramble to keep up a good front to present to the world―and to God. We hide until we can rearrange the mask of perfection. Sadly, it is then that we wonder why we lack intimate relationships and a passionate faith.

All this time God is calling us to take the mask off and come openly to Him. He longs for us to know in the depth of our beings that He loves us and accepts us as we are. When we are our true selves, we can finally claim our identity as God’s child―Abba’s child―and experience His pure pleasure in who we are. Brennan Manning encourages us to let go of the impostor lifestyle and freely accept our belovedness as a child of the heavenly Father. In Him there is life.

How Much Are You Worth?

An essential part of our well being is related to our self image. Knowing that we are valued and loved makes a tremendous difference in our outlook on life and others around us. Edmund Speiker addresses the question "How much are you worth?" by sharing a story about when God revealed to him his value during a difficult season. LISTEN HERE

In Defense of "Second-Class Missionaries" | Amy Medina

Imagine what it would look like if western churches hired their staff with the same priorities that they choose overseas missionaries to financially support.

First of all, a Children’s Pastor would definitely be out. Not strategic enough; he’s only supporting the children of believers. Youth Pastor? Also out, unless he targets neighborhood kids.

How about a Music Pastor? Or Pastoral Counselor? Nope. Those are just support roles. Not enough front-line ministry. KEEP READING

Ten Areas of Self Esteem in Scriptures | Ken Williams

Biblical self esteem consists in seeing ourselves as God sees us, and accepting ourselves as God accepts us. This is founded on the humble acknowledgment that God is responsible for every positive attribute we possess. “Know that the Lord is God. It is He who has made us” (Psalm 100:3). See 1 Corinthians 4:7. This foundation enables us to enjoy and use every good quality, without a trace of pride or false humility, because God receives the glory. A biblical perspective on our self esteem enables us to see ourselves realistically and accept ourselves as we are, both in our human condition and as we are in Christ--a new creation. READ MORE

The central message that readers should take away from this book is that being embraced the love of Christ changes everything—including the way we view ourselves as part of God’s plan for the fulness of time to unite all things in Christ. Gloria wrote Alive in Him to serve as scuba gear to help others dive deep into Ephesians and explore its enormous theme and all the implications Paul spells out for us.

What God Thinks About You | John Rinehart

We all want to know who we are. We seek and search and try to “find ourselves.” Many of us have taken personality tests and other assessments. We learn that we are a lion, a beaver, an ENFP, an activator, a competitor, a high I, high D.

But as helpful as those tests can be, have you ever stopped to ask, “What does God think about me? Who does he say that I am?”

In all my years as a Christian, I had never asked the question quite this way until recently. And what I found is that God has a lot to say about what he thinks about us — a whole Bible full. But if we could summarize it in a short space, here’s how it might sound. READ MORE

How Not to Lose Your Identity in Ministry | Cara Meredith

Sometimes, when we’re not operating out of our most healthy selves, a position in leadership can go to our heads. I had poured myself into a job, a people, and a community, unknowingly letting them become the very essence of my soul. Sure, Jesus lived in the depths of my insides, too, but he shared the space. So invested was I in their hearts that when I left—when they were no longer a regular part of my life and we didn’t share the common bond of ministry—I felt like the rug had been pulled out from underneath me. KEEP READING

This bestselling book gives you practical, productive ways to discover who you are in Christ. When you realize the power of your true identity, you can shed the burdens of your past, stand against evil influences, and become the person Christ empowers you to be.

Who Am I? | Campus Ministry Today

Who am I? How do I see myself? How does God see me? What does God think of me? These are questions that require thoughtful study. The answers to these questions will impact all the areas of your life, including your work and career, who you will marry, how you relate to others, how you respond to life’s situations and ultimately where you spend eternity. VIEW STUDY AS PDF