
Spiritual leadership is knowing where God wants people to be and taking the initiative to get them there by God's means in reliance on God's power. - John Piper

What does grace-paced leadership look like? Spiritual mentor. Pastor. Executive director. Parent. Professor. Spouse. We have many roles and relationships. And in the midst of all we do, we're tempted to frantically take control of situations in hopes of making good things happen. The author writes: "That kind of unholy hurry may make me look busy, but too often it keeps me from actually being fruitful in the ways Jesus wants me to be. Jesus modeled grace-paced leadership. To learn that we begin not with leading, but with following."

Pick up most leadership books and you’ll find strategies for leveraging your power and minimizing your areas of weakness. But rather than work against your weakness, why not draw from a deeper well of strength? God favors leaders who make the most of the power that comes from brokenness.

"I'm tired of helping others enjoy God." "I just want to enjoy God for myself." With this painful admission, Ruth Haley Barton invites us to an honest exploration of what happens when spiritual leaders lose track of their souls. Weaving together contemporary illustrations with penetrating insight from the life of Moses, Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership explores topics such as

  • responding to the dynamics of calling

  • facing the loneliness of leadership

  • leading from your authentic self

  • cultivating spiritual community

  • reenvisioning the promised land

  • discerning God's will together

Each chapter includes a spiritual practice to ensure your soul gets the nourishment it needs. Forging and maintaining a life-giving connection with God is the best choice you can make for yourself and for those you lead.

Rare Leadership | Warner and Wilder

Summary: Warner and Wilder believe that healthy teams begin with healthy leaders, and at the heart of this dynamic is emotional maturity—the quality the greatest leaders possess. Combining solid theology, cutting-edge brain science, and decades of counseling and consulting experience, the authors show how to take your leadership and team to the next level. Whether you are burnt out or just looking to improve, when you prioritize people and lead from a secure identity, you will see positive results. You can lead from a healthy position, respond rather than react, and build the team of you’ve always wanted – all in the atmosphere of joy.

Leadership Mosaic | Daniel Montgomery

Summary: Challenging the conventional wisdom about what makes for a good leader, Daniel Montgomery, pastor of Sojourn Church, Louisville, calls us to a countercultural perspective on leadership rooted in our Creator. He presents a new framework for leadership, not just a beckoning to further pragmatism, relentless productivity, or a reactionary cultural fad. He helps us see leadership as a mosaic of five characteristics—conviction, creativity, courage, collaboration, and contemplation—reflective of the very image of the triune God.

Boundaries in Leadership | Cloud & Townsend

This single session seminar is from Cloud & Townsend's Ultimate Leadership Series #1, which includes topics that are practical, relevant, and applicable. You can view all the sessions together here.

Vulnerable Leadership | Patrick Lencioni

Leaders set the tone of an organization. They determine purpose and goals, and their attitude can shape a work environment. If you want the culture of your workplace to change, it has to start with you. Business and leadership expert Patrick Lencioni describes how leaders can set the tone of an organization through vulnerability.

Many women feel overwhelmed with managing everyday relationships as well as the responsibilities that come with a leadership position in the business world. Acquainted with this tension, Anne Beiler, founder of Auntie Anne's, shares why she is passionate about women in the workplace and offers encouragement for facing these challenges with faith.

True Leaders are Teachable | Dave Kraft

I’ve been a Christian for 53 years and in vocational Christian ministry for 45 years. During this time I’ve given a great deal of thought to the content of all the many lists in Scripture. And I’ve come to the measured conclusion that, when it comes to the indispensable qualities for being a leader in the body of Christ and in life in general, there’s one characteristic that perhaps should be placed at the top: teachability. KEEP READING