Financial Health

“What you do with your resources in this life is your autobiography.” Randy Alcorn

Crown's vision is to share truth, deliver hope and advance transformation by equipping servant leaders to live by God's design for their finances, work and life.

After years of writing and teaching on the theme “God owns everything,” in 1990 Randy Alcorn was sued by an abortion clinic (for peaceful, nonviolent intervention for the unborn). Suddenly he had to resign as a pastor and was restricted to making minimum wage. Legally unable to own anything, Randy gave all his book royalties to missions work and need-meeting ministries. He and his family have experienced the reality of The Treasure Principle—that God really does own everything, takes care of us, and graciously puts assets into our hands that we might have the joy and privilege of investing in what will last for eternity.

What does the Bible really say about money? This completely revised and updated version of the classic best-seller provides a Christian perspective about money and material possessions based on the author's painstaking study of the Bible. Randy Alcorn uses the Scriptures to approach this often touchy subject head-on. Thought-provoking arguments challenge readers to rethink their attitudes and use their God-given resources in ways that will have an eternal impact. Alcorn deals straightforwardly with issues of materialism, stewardship, prosperity theology, debt, and more. An excellent choice for group study as well as individual financial guidance. Includes a study guide and appendix with additional resources.

There is a great need in America today for financial life coaching. People are living in financial bondage and stress!

  • The #1 cause of divorce is conflict over finances

  • Families are drowning in consumer debt

  • 70% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck (Wall Street Journal)

  • Christians are giving 1-2% of income (on average)

  • Most U.S. workers (over 53) have less than $25,000 for retirement

God’s heart is to set people free to live a life of financial freedom. Galatians 5:1 says, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.”

The Myth of Financial Freedom | Ben Stevens

Why our purchases are never really our own.

Commonly, we think we have “made it into adulthood” as soon as we are able to purchase things—whether a cup of coffee, a few extra decorations for the house or a big ticket electronics item—without having to wonder whether we have enough money in our account to do so. Becoming a Christian, however, makes this mindset obsolete.

Jesus Christ does not give us the freedom to make purchases (of any kind) without taking time to seriously evaluate them in the scheme of what He wants to do through us for His kingdom. KEEP READING