Partner Communication Suggestions

As the global response to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) escalates, it’s important to continue regular ministry updates with your supporters through your monthly emails. It is important that you not dwell on what you're NOT able to do, but what you ARE able to do in ministry. You may also focus on recent ministry stories as well.

All ministries will be affected during this pandemic, and donations towards ministries will be impacted. Focus on building your buffer, and pay special attention to any ministry partners who give by check and are not on automated giving. Be sympathetic and understanding to your partners who may need to suspend their giving towards your ministry as their paychecks may not be secure in the following months. Be diligent to pray for them, and also to continue checking in with them and communicating your dependence on their partnership.

Below is a typical outline for your ministry updates that simplifies the writing process for you while bringing clarity to your supporters:

Remember there are four main things to consider when putting together a ministry update:

  • Pictures

  • Changed lives

  • Specific ministry prayer requests

  • 80/20 Rule: (80% ministry, 20% family/personal)

Also, remember these five basic communication principles:

  1. Regular: Timely, consistent, scheduled in advance

  2. Clear: Not ambiguous, no hidden meanings or subtle hints

  3. Visionary: Focusing on your ministry, prayer needs, how God is working, changed lives

  4. Excellent: Professional, easy on the eye, free of errors and typos, well laid-out

  5. Appreciative: Find a way to say “thank you” in every newsletter.


Keep this short and to the point. Be aware that everyone has plenty of information about the coronavirus at their fingertips. Your supporters just need to know how best to pray for you, your team, and the location where you serve. You could lead your newsletter with a quick update on your health and the health of your team and/or save the coronavirus update for the prayer section of your email.

Lead story:

Share what’s happening in the lives of those with whom you are ministering. Whether it’s one person or 50, helping supporters see where you are in your relationship with those you are doing life/ministry with is key.

Prayer request:

  • Share your praise to God for the people with whom you are mobilizing

  • Let your prayer request be known to God and your supporters

Thank you:

Sometimes it’s easy to pepper gratitude for your supporters throughout your update and/or share your thankfulness for their role in your ministry with a prayer section of your newsletter.

As you keep your supporters updated on your ministry, they want to know that you are safe and how best to pray for you. Let them know, but also keep your ministry the main focus of your emails.

Also, at times, we all have circumstances and prayer requests that fall outside typical newsletter outlines when communicating with donors and prayer partners. However, given the scale of the coronavirus, we want you all to have some tracks to run on when sharing your typical updates.


Joe Michie, CMM Creative Director

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