Care Events

For Women serving overseas

Thrive hosts four retreats each year for North American women who are ministering overseas to get away for a time of refreshment and connection with other women. During our four days together, between 50-100 attendees have the opportunity to experience spiritual, emotional, and physical restoration through worship, studying Scripture, prayer, self-care, confidential counseling, and more.

By hosting our retreats at a conference center or hotel, we provide an environment that reflects our goal of replenishment and escape from the burdens of everyday life on the field.


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Breathe Conference    |   summer- Individuals, Couples,  and Families

fall- Individuals and Couples


This 10-day retreat is intentionally created for the renewal and encouragement of singles, couples, and families who are in need of a break from global work.

Under the guidance of member care professionals, you'll have time to debrief and talk through issues impacting you.  

Children and teens participate in programs designed to meet the unique needs of TCKs. 

BREATHE offers the space, time, content, and community to reconnect with God in a beautiful, peaceful setting.


Traction Men's Conference   |   fall- Switzerland

TRACTION is a 6-day experience designed to encourage global workers who serve in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

TRACTION is different than any other kind of conference. It isn't about filling notebooks or honing leadership skills. It is about living as single men, husbands, fathers, leaders, and as guys who deal with tremendous stresses cross-culturally.

This conference is focused on helping men navigate their roles to regain spiritual footing and momentum to move forward.

TRACTION is led by Dr. Daniel Hahn and a team of member care professionals. This week of restoration will deal with issues guys contend with:

There are times for worship, reflection, group discussions, individual counseling & debriefing, recreation, hiking, solitude and rest. All of this will be approached within the context of life on the field as international workers.

This time of renewal is about taking care of your soul, which will fuel your ability to lead well in the work God has called you to do.  

Ava: Renewal by Grace Women's Conference   |   winter

Gather with global women 

Reconnect with God's presence 

Create space for your soul

This has been a long and difficult season, driven by a pandemic that forced all of us to accept a new normal. In the midst of this season of loss, the world has been assaulted by the tragedy of division and war. Many of us are tired. Some of us are exhausted. We all are wondering what might be next. 

Amidst these realities, we invite you to step away. To take time to breathe and reflect, listen, and experience the sweet healing grace and goodness of God. 

That's why this gathering is named Ava. It comes from the name Eve, meaning "to live and breathe"—and it has been created with you in mind. It is our desire that Ava offers a time and space for you to reconnect with God and renew your soul.

At Ava, we are taking a whole body and spiritual approach to wellness—coming together in a place of great beauty, wonderful food, meaningful worship, and sharing with other like-minded women. You will have time to meet with a counselor, talk about your story, and gather around the table with others. All this takes place over six days on the spectacular coast of Southern Spain.

At Azmera, our goal is to be a part of nurturing and impacting cross-cultural global workers from various nations already in the harvest field, so that they can serve God and others to their fullest potential and remain faithful to their calling overseas, resulting in more people coming to a saving knowledge of Christ. We are made up of women, both on staff and volunteer members, who are dedicated to encouraging workers all over the globe.

Upcoming events

ABIDE Reentry Retreats   |   Train International

Reentry can be a time of diverse emotions and expectations which can lead to unexpected feelings of frustration, grief, and isolation.  This one-week renewal for those transitioning back into American culture debriefs the cross-cultural experience, explores reverse culture shock, and equips for healthy reentry into the home culture.

Joplin, MO 

Spokane, WA (Adults only)

Savannah, GA (Adults only)

DAR is for routine debriefing for home assignment, life changes, and dealing with the implications of cross-cultural life and ministry. The DAR Program offers personal debriefing times, which is not the same as counseling for trauma or complicated situations. We are not a curative program nor do we have psychological counseling. We are an opportunity to pause and reflect on your journey in a safe environment with facilitators who have been there and care. Please contact for more information.


As a cross-cultural worker, you belong to a small group of people for whom change is an even larger part of their lives than it is for others. The issue, however, is not the change in and of itself, it is how we deal with change. Some of us ignore it and become outdated, others resent and oppose it and become hardened, and others, believe it or not, thrive on it.

A significant area and time of change is the time in which you come back to North America for whatever reason. You may be coming on Home Ministry, or you may be returning to retire, or to transition into a new phase of life and ministry here. Whatever the reason, many things will have changed: the people and places you knew, the customs you remember, the types of cereal you bought, the songs they sang in your church, and even you!

The debrief week is designed to give you time and opportunity to share your life and ministry and to think through the issues and challenges, but also the joys of change and transition.

LeRucher Debrief Retreat   |   France 

(other locations are available)

The Le Rucher Exchange at the Cross model of debriefing will encourage you to:

Tell your story in as much detail as you like

Identify how your experiences may have impacted you

Look at how you are responding to the situation on a daily basis

Discover new perspectives and respond to Jesus

For family debrief retreats in various locations

For personal debrief retreats in various locations