Counseling Centers and Global Counselors

Tim Keller defines wisdom as the competency to deal with the complex realities of life. And sometimes we need the humility to say that we do not possess all wisdom about all circumstances. It is godly to lean on another’s wisdom.

We know our people. Global Counseling Network is a team of counselors who are carefully-vetted and highly-trained. We think limited access to high quality counseling should not have the power to determine or dictate a person's growth, healing, and exploration of their life and story. Global Counseling Network exists to address the shortage of quality counseling services. Toward that end, we put together a team of counselors from personal connections. Trusting our counselors is paramount to having confidence and safety in entrusting them to you.

They provide shade and comfort to those around them, but missionaries and workers are often physically removed from relationships that nourish them. Oaks Counseling offers counseling and support to these mighty Oaks, at home and abroad.

The International Therapist Directory is an online listing of professional mental health therapists familiar with the Third Culture Kid and international expatriate experiences.

With over 200 members, in more than 50 different countries, this resource lists therapists, counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists interested in providing culturally sensitive cross-cultural treatment and care for today’s international expat community.

Expats looking for a local English-speaking therapist, a marriage/relationship counselor sensitive to cross-cultural dynamics, or a psychotherapist attuned to the nuances of a TCK upbringing will find in this site the most comprehensive directory of its kind.

GRC is a group of credentialed professionals providing a variety of restorative and preventative careservices to enable global workers to thrive. We work within the parameters of legal and ethical guidelines for each of our respective professions.

We offer these services in three settings.

  1. In person in Columbia, SC

  2. In person in Indonesia - Learn More

    • Currently serving Bali, Sentani, Salatiga, and Bandung

    • We are exploring offering services in Jakarta, Makassar, and Malang

  3. Online Care: using a video/tele-conferencing platform for anyone located outside the U.S.

Kay Bruner was born in Buffalo, New York and grew up in Brazil, Nigeria, and the wilds of Kentucky. She and her husband have raised their four children in Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, and currently reside in the great state of Texas. Kay is a Licensed Professional Counselor, and divides her work days between counseling and writing. She is the author of As Soon As I Fell and blogs at She is available for counseling at her office in Dallas or via Skype for a reduced rate to clients overseas. For more information go to:

The Well International serves cross-cultural workers in Asia and around the world through Clinical Counseling, Pastoral Care, Training and Events.

We are a Christian, donor funded organization based in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Link Care Center | Restoring Hearts, Celebrating Wholeness

Our multidisciplinary counseling staff includes: licensed Psychologists, Marriage & Family Therapists, Pastoral Counselors, Clinical Social Workers, as well as Marriage & Family Therapy interns and trainees.

When life feels like it’s unraveling, you look to those with expertise and experience. Our trained Christian therapists offer a variety of services and counseling approaches to address your needs.