Ten Building Blocks for Grace-Filled Community

Adapted from Community and Growth by Jean Vanier

1. Belonging: Knowing that we have a place where we fit in, are accepted and are appreciated; not feeling left out or rejected

2. Inclusiveness: We are willing to be friends with people who are different from us

3. Healing and Growth: When we are sad or distressed there are people who will comfort us; when we are struggling, there are people who will help us to get stronger; a place where we develop more strengths and abilities

4. Openness: We are able to be honest, candid, and to genuinely share who we are; welcoming to new people

5. Caring: We are kind, thoughtful, gentle, concerned for and considerate of those who have needs

6. Patience: When others bother us, or we don’t get our own way, we endure and persevere without complaining or speaking badly of others or the situation

7. Cooperation: We all help each other by bringing the skills and resources we have together towards a common goal; teamwork

8. Using Our Gifts: We contribute our gifts and talents towards the good of the community and we encourage others in the gifts they have

9. Forgiveness: We ask for forgiveness when we have hurt someone, we forgive when we have been wronged

10.Mutual Trust: We have faith and belief in others and we rely on them just as they can rely on us to do our best – we understand that we also disappoint others and so give grace when they disappoint us

Discussion Questions:

1. Which of these 10 Building Blocks are part of my current community? What are some examples of how I experience these Building Blocks in my community?

2. What has helped to make these Building Blocks part of the foundation of our community? What “Practices” put these Building Blocks in place for us?

3. List Practices that help to develop your supportive community.

SOURCE: mmct.org