During the Summer Term of Year 9, we offer students a chance to select three options for GCSE study. This begins in September of Year 10. It is at this point that we set each student a flight plan based upon both their KS2 baseline scores and, of course, the development we have secured in the FS programme and Years 8 and 9. This means that:

If our students are strong readers and writers, why can’t they fly high when they tackle the demands of GCSE study? 

All students are expected to achieve at least target in every subject they study and their progress is tracked in real time. Because we build academic capacity in KS3 with, amongst other things, our bedrock FOUNDATION STUDIES programme and because we commit to ensuring all students are good readers, achieving targets is a minimum, for every student in every subject. 

We accept no excuses; we will not accept second best: our boys deserve THE bes.


Pathway 1: English Language, English Literature, Maths, triple Science, 3 options, RE. GCSE count: 10 subjects.

Pathway 2: English Language, English Literature, Maths, double Science, 3 options, RE, GCSE count: 9 subjects. 

Pathway 2 students will have the option to drop one subject in Year 11 to enable intensive INTERVENTION in English and/or Maths.


These are not set option blocks and subjects are shown here to tell you what we offer. Year 9 options for study starting in September Year 10:

Combinations are managed so that Pathways 1 and 2 are fully facilitated. For September 2021, LBS will increase choices to include Resistant Materials.

For more information about our KS4 courses, click on the links below:

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne  Birmingham B17 8BJ 

Tel:0121 464 2837 


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