GCSE Religious Studies


This course develops a student's knowledge of other cultures and world religious beliefs as well as building their understanding of key ethical issues such as medical ethics, animal rights, human rights and world conflict. These issues are not only taught from a religious perspective but also from a non-religious perspective, enabling students to develop an understanding of how they themselves decide upon what is 'right' and 'wrong'. RE at GCSE level also equip students with key skills in analysis, debate, evaluation and critical thinking, that are essential for other GCSEs.


Students will study two religions, looking at the key philosophical and ethical issues facing the local, national and international community as well as learning about the beliefs, teachings and practices of the two religions. The two religions studied are Christianity and Islam.

CHRISTIANITY (50% of total grade)

There are four compulsory content areas: 

ISLAM (50% of total grade)

There are four compulsory content areas:


PAPER 1: RELIGION AND ETHICS - CHRISTIANITY (1 hr and 45 minutes, 102 marks, 50% of the qualification) 

PAPER 2: RELIGION, PEACE AND CONFLICT - ISLAM (1 hr and 45 minutes, 102 marks, 50% of the qualification) 


Knowledge of other cultures and world religious beliefs can be useful in many jobs where you are working with the public or communities. These include:

GCSE Religious Studies is also a good path towards vocational qualifications including travel and tourism, health and social care, childcare, uniformed public services, legal studies, as well as A levels in Health and Social Care, Geography, Law, History, Sociology, Philosophy, Psychology and, of course, religious studies. 

Lead Professional for Religious Studies - j.thompson@lordswoodboys.co.uk

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne  Birmingham B17 8BJ 

Tel:0121 464 2837 

Email: enquiry@lordswoodboys.co.uk

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