Head of school's Welcome


Our ethos underpins everything that we do at Lordswood Boys' School. Literacy is at the centre of everything. We believe that every member of our community can be successful and, through strong academic and pastoral support, we provide a safe and respectful environment where our students can achieve.

We achieve this goal by carefully crafting a student-centred approach where individual needs are matched with a broad, ambitious and exciting curriculum of awe and wonder. The School envisions that when our students graduate, with their personal educational achievements maximised, they are perfectly positioned to seize the opportunities that lie before them.            

We aim for each student to be determined, hard-working, confident and independent. As they mature and develop through the school, they become individuals who respect not only themselves, but also others and the world around them, ensuring that they are fully prepared for a successful, happy and fulfilling life after their time with us.

When we speak of literacy and literacy promotion, we need to acknowledge how much literacy encompasses. Yes, it’s a key to success in school, with all that implies about life trajectory, earning power and socioeconomic status. It’s also a key to citizenship and enfranchisement in society, your ability to understand and take part in all the discourse that shapes your community and your country and your world. Put simply, Literacy builds success.

We believe in communicating as effectively as possible with parents/carers, appreciating that your son's journey with us is very much a team effort. I hope that you find all of the information that you require on our website. Should you require any further assistance with general enquiries, you can contact us at the following email address: enquiry@lordswoodboys.co.uk

Mrs R Kang, Head of School.

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne  Birmingham B17 8BJ 

Tel:0121 464 2837 

Email: enquiry@lordswoodboys.co.uk

For paper copies of any of the information on this website please refer to our publication scheme