VISUAL ARTS: GCSE Art & Design, GCSE Photography and GCSE Graphic Communication


We offer a broad range of opportunities for students within the 'Visual Arts'. These courses develop a student's personal and creative ideas based on independent investigations. 


Students explore a balanced range of materials and techniques in order to develop personal ideas and outcomes based on a theme. A range of stimuli and artist work is used to inform this process. Skills-based lessons are used to teach students a range of useful artistic skills with the intention that as the year progresses, students will become more independent and will be able to better choose the techniques that will demonstrate their main strengths. Students have the opportunity to conduct primary research by attending trips and visits to galleries or places of interest. Current projects include ‘Everyday Objects’ within which students are encouraged to personalise their outcomes by using items that represent themselves. 


All work is assessed using four equally weighted assessment objectives:

These combine to give a total mark out of 96. 

PORTFOLIO (60% of total grade)

All portfolio work will be internally assessed and standardised by the teachers. It will then be moderated by AQA.

EXAM UNIT/EXTERNALLY SET TASK (40% of total grade)


Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne  Birmingham B17 8BJ 

Tel:0121 464 2837 


For paper copies of any of the information on this website please refer to our publication scheme