GCSE Geography


This course develops a student's understanding of how places and landscapes are formed; how people and environments interact; what consequences arise from our everyday decisions; and what a diverse range of cultures and societies exist and interconnect. It also introduces students to distinctive investigative tools such as maps, fieldwork and the use of powerful digital communication technologies.


At the beginning of the course in Year 10, students will explore a wide range of concepts focusing on developing skills needed for the GCSE. The introduction to the course will have a distinct focus on decision making exercises, a key skill still needed within the GCSE.  After completing this introductory study, the students will follow the GCSE specification which is broken down into three units:

Living with the Physical Environment 

The main focus of this unit is physical geography. Students will first explore Natural Hazards with a comprehensive overview of both tectonic and climatic hazards.  Students will move on to exploring the rivers and coastlines of the UK and finish with an in-depth study of rainforests and deserts of the world. 


Challenges in the Human Environment  

Within this unit, students discover urban issues and challenges exploring cities in both HICs and LICs.  Studies move on to exploring the changing economic world and looking at the development of a country within Africa.  This unit finishes with the challenge of resource management, focusing on energy security across the globe.  

Geographical Application 

This unit focuses on the examination of students' human and physical fieldwork and development of their decision-making skills. In March of Year 11, a pre-released booklet is issued centred on one of the topics from paper 1 and 2. Students take an in-depth study of the content of this pre-released material and are asked to make a decision.    


Paper 1: Living with the Physical Environment (88 marks, 35% of total grade)

Section A: The challenge of natural hazards (33 marks)

Section B: The living world (25 marks)

Section C: Physical landscapes 

Paper 2: Challenges in the Human Environment  (93 marks, 30% of total grade)

Section A: Urban issues and challenges (33 marks)

Section B: The changing economic world (30 marks)

Section C: The challenge of resource management 


Paper 3: Geographical Application (76 marks, 35% of total grade)

Section A: Issue evaluation (37 marks)

Section B: Fieldwork (39 marks)


Geography provides a great pathway into the following careers:

Lead Professional for  Geography - thompson.j@lordswoodboys.co.uk

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne  Birmingham B17 8BJ 

Tel:0121 464 2837 

Email: enquiry@lordswoodboys.co.uk

For paper copies of any of the information on this website please refer to our publication scheme