GCSE Science


These courses develop knowledge and understanding of a range of key scientific topics as well as key skills in: communication; application of number; information and communication technology; working with others and problem solving.


All students will study GCSE Science in Years 10 & 11. Students will be guided onto the course most suitable for them: either the Combined Science qualification (2 GCSEs) or the 'Triple' Science qualifications in Biology, Chemistry and Physics (3 GCSEs). 

Both courses are suitable preparation for A Level Sciences.  


Students will study the following topics:





Students will study the following topics:

GCSE Biology

GCSE Chemistry

GCSE Physics



All papers are 1 hour 15 minutes, have 70 marks and are worth 16.7% of GCSEs.

Students will be assessed on the following topics through a range of question types: multiple choice, structured, closed short answer, and open response. 

Biology Paper 1 

Topics: Cell Biology; Organisation; Infection and response; and Bioenergetics

Biology Paper 2 

Topics: Homeostasis and Response; Inheritance, Variation and Evolution; and Ecology 

Chemistry Paper 1 

Topics: Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table; Bonding, Structure, and the Properties of Matter; Quantitative Chemistry; Chemical Changes; and Energy Changes 

Chemistry Paper 2 

Topics: The Rate and Extent of Chemical Change; Organic Chemistry; Chemical Analysis; Chemistry of the Atmosphere; and Using Resources 

Physics Paper 1 

Topics: Energy; Electricity; Particle Model of Matter; and Atomic Structure 

Physics Paper 2 

Topics: Forces; Waves; and Magnetism and Electromagnetism 


All papers are 1 hour 45 minutes, have 100 marks and are worth 50% of the individual GCSE.

Students will be assessed on the following topics through a range of question types: multiple choice, structured, closed short answer, and open response. 

GCSE Biology Paper 1

Topics: Cell Biology; Organisation; Infection and Response; and Bioenergetics 

GCSE Biology Paper 2

Topics: Homeostasis and Response; Inheritance, Variation and Evolution; and Ecology 

GCSE Chemistry Paper 1

Topics: Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table; Bonding, Structure, and the Properties of Matter; Quantitative Chemistry, Chemical Changes; and Energy Changes 

GCSE Chemistry Paper 2

Topics: The Rate and Extent of Chemical Change; Organic Chemistry; Chemical Analysis, Chemistry of the Atmosphere; and Using Resources 

GCSE Physics Paper 1

Topics: Energy; Electricity; Particle Model of Matter; and Atomic Structure 

GCSE Physics Paper 2

Topics:  Forces; Waves; Magnetism and Electromagnetism; and Space physics 


In line with the new linear GCSE model, there is no coursework but practical work remains an integral part of the courses. The theory behind these practicals, as well as the practical skills themselves, planning, analysis and evaluation, will be tested in the examinations. Questions related to practicals will account for 15% of the total marks in the final exams.



Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne  Birmingham B17 8BJ 

Tel:0121 464 2837 

Email: enquiry@lordswoodboys.co.uk

For paper copies of any of the information on this website please refer to our publication scheme