GCSE History


This course develops a student's understanding of the past, as well as helping them to understand what has shaped present day society as well as their own lives. In addition, History teaches many transferable skills  such as communication, research and writing skills; how to handle and analyse data; how to construct an argument; how to select evidence to support your argument and how to organise information.


The course is broken down into three units of study as outlined below:

Medicine Through Time

This is the breadth unit, examining change and continuity medicine in Britain over a thousand year period. Students will also study in depth the trenches of the First World War and how medicine developed in this arena of war. 


The Cold War and Early Elizabethan England 

Section A of this unit examines how tensions between the two superpowers, the USA and the USSR, originated at the end of WW2; how they increased during the Cold War and how they came to an end. Section B of this unit explores the challenges that Elizabeth I faced when she came to the throne and how successfully she overcame these challenges. 

Weimar and Nazi Germany

This unit explores a compelling, if dark, period of German history as the country emerged broken from the end of the First World War to its rise as one of most powerful countries in world history, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler. 


Paper 1: Medicine Through Time  1hr 15 mins (30% of total grade, 52 marks)

Section A:

Section B:

Paper 2: The Cold War and Early Elizabethan England 1hr 45 mins (40% of total grade, 64 marks)

Section A:

Section B:

Paper 3: Weimar and Nazi Germany 1hr 20 mins (30% of total grade, 52 marks)


History provides a great pathway into the following careers:

Lead Professional for  History - thompson.j@lordswoodboys.co.uk

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne  Birmingham B17 8BJ 

Tel:0121 464 2837 

Email: enquiry@lordswoodboys.co.uk

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