
Literacy and Reading

This module has seen a continuation of our efforts to improve literacy and encourage reading for pleasure at The Leigh Academy.

Reciprocal reading has become part of our tutor time activities each week, with students being exposed to a range of fiction and non-fiction texts to grapple with. By developing the skills of prediction, clarification, questioning and summarising, students are learning how to unpick texts and infer meaning from them - vital skills throughout formal examinations and in the world of further education, apprenticeships or work.

Alongside the tutor time program, additional reciprocal reading sessions are available to students on a Friday morning, supported by experienced SEN staff.

Accelerated Reader Testing

In Module 3, over eight hundred students of the Leigh Academy sat an Accelerated Reader test to monitor how well they are progressing with reading and literacy. This was no mean feat and involved mass testing in our sports hall over 4 days. The atmosphere in the sports hall was amazing, with all students concentrating hard on the texts they were reading and the questions they were having to answer.

Coming soon!

Look for our exciting announcements regarding new reading challenges for students, and how you can help your children to improve their literacy and reading for pleasure at home, coming in the near future!