The Leigh Academy Term 3 Calendar

Keep up to date with important events in Term 3


Tuesday 19th April: Module 5 begins

Thursday 21st April: Year 11 Final Countdown Evening

Monday 2nd May: Bank Holiday

Saturday 7th May: Duke of Edinburgh Practise Expedition

Monday 16th May: A Level and GCSE Examination window opens

Friday 27th May: End of Module 5

Monday 6th June: Module 6 begins

Wednesday 15th June: Year 8 Parent/Teacher afternoon

Monday 20th June: Year 7 and 8 Sports Day

Tuesday 21st June: Year 9 and 10 Sports Day

Monday 27th June: Year 10 and Year 12 Mock Examination week

Wednesday 6th July: Year 7 Parent/Teacher afternoon

Monday 18th July: Year 10 Work Experience Week

Thursday 21st July: End of Module 6

The Leigh Academy Learning Journey

Final 2020 The Leigh Learning Journey v3 (1).pdf