Parent/Carer Voice Feedback

Parent and Carer Feedback

In Module 3, the Leigh Academy invited parents and carers of our students to contribute their thoughts about their child's educational journey via a questionnaire.

There were a range of topics presented in the questionnaire, from well being to academic successes, curriculum offers to pastoral support. As always, we continue to look for ways to improve our provision and welcome all feedback.

Below are some comments from parents and carers about the Leigh Academy and our response to requests from them. We are grateful to everyone who contributed to this survey as it enables us to have an balanced and open view of the service we provide.

Parent and Carer Feedback

You said

We're actioning

  1. More regular communication to parents on learning

  • Year group subject booklets published on our website Curriculum booklets

  • Newsletter to parents every 12 weeks

2. More in person events

  • In 2022 so far, there has been in person events for parents in Year 9, 11, 13. In person events planned for parents of Year 12 in Module 5 and for year 7 and 8 in Module 6

3. More clubs/Activities

  • As restrictions have been removed there are more clubs and activities in place – A letter home to parents with the club schedule was sent in February. There will be another update letter after the Easter break. Rewards trips are being planned for Module 6

  • The Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award has been launched

4. Further understanding of Curriculum

  • Knowledge organisers shared with parents along with a homework guide letter

  • More details on the Curriculum on our website

5. Further clarity around SEN support

  • Further questionnaire will go out to parents of students with SEND needs in Module 5

  • Coffee mornings scheduled for summer term