
National Holocaust Day stamps

Stamps for Holocaust Memorial day

As a part of their coursework for GCSE and A level Graphics, students in Year 10 and 13 have been working on a set of 6 stamps for Holocaust Memorial Day. They have created a set of beautiful and yet haunting images to honour the victims of the Holocaust. Research had been undertaken and experiments led to the creation of both hand crafted and digital stamps. We are very proud of their achievements in recognising this important day so artistically.

Year 7 Photography

Year 7 have created a series of photographs exploring perspective and the distortion of water, in the style of Suzanne Saroff.

Blu Woodcock

Olisa Emeagi

Ezme Zuhlke

Year 8 Digital Skills

Students have created a composite image with SOS lettering, shell cut out, coloured tissue paper and photography and have applied these using digital manipulation to create Billboard mock ups. This project has made students aware of the pollution in our oceans and how we can make others aware of this dilemma.

George Cook

Matas Vasiliauskas

Harry Fan

Mrs C Britton - Co-ordinator of Learning for Ar