Online Safety
At Les Beaucamps High School we recognise the importance of teaching our young people to use the internet, social media and other evolving technologies appropriately and safely.
Our school follows the States of Guernsey Education Services Online Safety Policy: ‘Online Safety Policy & Guidance On Sexting In Schools’.
Current and emerging technologies offer many opportunities but they also present a number of risks, particularly for young people. Due to these risks we educate our young people through Digital Literacy & Citizenship curriculum, which is provided by South West Grid for Learning. (
This curriculum is taught over 5 years and provides a comprehensive yet balanced approach in addressing safety and security concerns, including ethics and behaviour issues, as well as digital literacy skills.
For further information regarding this curriculum please contact either of the following:
Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Vicki Langlois
PSHCE Leads: Mrs Eleanor Perkins or Mr Richard Sinkinson
In addition, we also ask all our students to sign an acceptable use policy before using any technology within school. A copy of this agreement can be found HERE.
Advice and Guidance for Parents:
Parent Information From CEOP:
Parent Information From SWGFL:
Reporting Abuse:
If your son or daughter receives any form of online abuse, please report it using the following link: