
Curriculum intent:

Drama at LBHS is designed to both equip and support all learners in being able to access the curriculum. The department is striving to ensure all learners are challenged and engaged with the subject to provide growth and progression as an individual.  The values that underpin the drama curriculum are breadth of subject content, as well as exploring all aspects of Drama; from acting to directing and stage production roles, with the opportunity to explore the designing of costume, make-up, lighting and sound.

The curriculum will allow for retrieval of prior subject knowledge and to use this as a foundation to build and grow, to allow for a well-rounded, secure understanding of Drama in and outside of the classroom.

Pupils will be regularly assessed to ensure knowledge and understanding has been gained. Assessment will be rigorous; exploring the three areas of progress; creating, performing and evaluating. 

All of these aspects and the topics studied (as seen below) direct the learner to achieve the essentials of the subject of; creativity, communication, discipline, control, technique, conventions and purpose.

Curricuculm Overview - Drama