



題目:人の理解/誘導で強化される Human-in-the-loop 制御システム

日時:2023年11月13日(月) 11時00分~12時00分

概要:ものごとを思い通り操るための制御論は、様々なシステムの自動化に貢献してきた。移動体のオートパイロットから自動運転技術など、意識してみると日常的   なニュースの中でも一旦を感じられることであろう。ただ、すべてのシステムが完全に自動化できるわけではない。自動車の完全自動運転もまだ完成には遠く、各航空機単独は自動制御されていても集団としての交通管理は未だ人の管制官がその役割のほとんどを担っている。本講演では、システムにおける人の存在に価値を見出し、人と自動制御の協働を含むシステムである Human-in-the-loop システムに関する、講演者のいくつか研究事例を紹介する。ところで、近年、言語処理のための大規模基盤モデルが急速に発展してきており、システムの設計者としては膨大な学習データを用意することなしに、ユーザのチャット情報などから彼らの意図や選好を理解できる下地が整ってきている。研究事例の一つとして、このような人を理解するための技術を制御システムに取り入れる試み[1]を紹介する。また、人の役割はシステムの仕様や目標を決めるスーパーバイザ的にものに限らない。自動車の手動運転のように人が積極的にアクチュエーションに関与するシステムも本講演の対象である。特に、視覚刺激を通して人の行動を誘導する技術[2]についても紹介する。これら人の理解/誘導を通して強く人と制御システムを結びつける講演者のこれまでの取り組みが、参加者の研究のヒントになれば幸いである。
[1] Y. Miyaoka, M. Inoue, T. Nii, ChatMPC: Natural language based MPC personalization, arXiv:2309.05952, 2023
[2] M. Takeda, M. Inoue, X. Fang, Y. Minami, and J. M. Maestre, Light guidance control of human: Driver modeling, control system design, and VR experiment, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol.55, No.42, pp.32-37, 2022



場所:オンライン(参加を希望される場合は井上 (minoue at appi.keio.ac.jp) までご連絡ください)


略歴:2014年北海道大学大学院情報科学研究科博士後期課程修了.同年4月青山学院大学理工学部助教.2019年4月より京都大学大学院情報学研究科助教.確率制御,非線形制御に関する研究に従事.博士(情報科学).2020年 SICE International Young Authors Award,2022年 計測自動制御学会制御部門奨励賞(基礎部門)を受賞.計測自動制御学会,電子情報通信学会,IEEE の会員.

Title: Convergence Rate Analysis of the Mirror Descent Method via Integral Quadratic Constraints

Date:  2023.1.30 (Mon) 14:45-16:15

Place: 7F-Forum, 14th bldg, Yagami-Campus (tentative)

Abstract: This talk focuses on convergence analysis for the mirror descent (MD) method, a well-known algorithm in convex optimization. An analysis framework via integral quadratic constraints (IQCs) is constructed to analyze the convergence rate of the MD method with strongly convex objective functions in both continuous time and discrete time. Finding convergence rates of the MD algorithms can be formulated into feasibility problems of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) in both schemes. In particular, in continuous time, it is shown that the Bregman divergence function, which is commonly used as a Lyapunov function for this algorithm, is a special case of the class of Lyapunov functions associated with the Popov criterion, when the latter is applied to an appropriate reformulation of the algorithm. Thus, applying the Popov criterion and its combination with other IQCs, can lead to convergence rate bounds with reduced conservatism.

Bio: Mengmou Li is currently a postdoc researcher in Tokyo Institute of Technology. He received his B.S. degree in Physics from Zhejiang University, China, in 2016, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Hong Kong, in 2020. From 2021 to 2022 he was a research associate with the Control Group, University of Cambridge. His research interests include robust control, optimization, synchronization, and power systems.


題目:Cyber-Physical-HUMAN Systems ~ロボティクスにおける歴史から最前線まで~


場所:オンライン(参加を希望される場合は井上 (minoue at appi.keio.ac.jp) までご連絡ください)

概要:本講演ではこれまでのロボティクス分野におけるCPHS研究をTask Architectureと人間モデルの観点から概観し、最新の研究トレンドを明らかにする。

略歴:Takeshi Hatanaka received the Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics and physics from Kyoto University in 2007. He then held faculty positions at Tokyo Institute of Technology and Osaka University. Since April 2020, he is an associate professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology. He is the coauthor of “Passivity-Based Control and Estimation in Networked Robotics” (Springer, 2015), coauthor of "Control of Multi-agent Systems" (Corona Publishing Co., 2015) and the editor of "Economically-enabled Energy Management: Interplay between Control Engineering and Economics" (Springer Nature, 2020). His research interests include cyber-physical & human systems and networked robotics. He received the Kimura Award (2017), Pioneer Award (2014), Outstanding Book Award (2016), Control Division Conference Award (2018), Takeda Prize (2020), and Outstanding Paper Awards (2009, 2015, 2020) all from The Society of Instrumental and Control Engineers (SICE). He also received 3rd IFAC CPHS Best Research Paper Award (2020) and 10th Asian Control Conference Best Paper Prize Award (2015). He is serving/served as an AE for IEEE TSCT and SICE JCMSI, and is a member of the Conference Editorial Board of IEEE CSS. He is a senior member of IEEE.

Title: Contraction Theory for Designing Safe, Stable, and Robust Learning-based GNC: A Tutorial Overview

Date:  2022.5.11 

Abstract: AI and machine learning technologies have been utilized for achieving safe and stable autonomy of aerospace and robotic systems. Stability and safety are typically research problems of control theory, while conventional black-box AI approaches lack much-needed robustness, scalability, and interpretability, which are indispensable to designing control and autonomy engines for safety-critical robotic missions on land, in water, or in deep space. This talk gives a brief tutorial overview of contraction theory for deriving formal robustness and stability guarantees of various learning-based and data-driven automatic control problems, with some illustrative examples including the recent NASA JPL-Caltech RTD project on learning-based Interstellar Object (ISO) exploration. This talk is based on a tutorial session, Contraction Theory for Machine Learning, which we organized at the 2021 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
For more information, see https://sites.google.com/view/contractiontheory.

Bio: Hiroyasu Tsukamoto is an aerospace Ph.D. student at GALCIT, Caltech. His research interest includes deep learning-based robust optimal control, estimation, and motion planning for general nonlinear systems, aerial swarms, and autonomous aerospace systems. (Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=G9iATfcAAAAJ&hl=ja, LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hiroyasu-tsukamoto-32500a1a5/)


日付:2022.4.26 (予定)

概要:自動運転車やドローンなどの移動型ロボットが近年目覚ましい発展を遂げている。特に、GPSが遮断された環境下で、移動型ロボットに組み込まれているセンサ(例:カメラ、ライダー)を用いて、不確定かつ複雑な環境を再現する技術が注目を浴びている。そのような課題は、Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) という問題に帰着され、災害救助や惑星探索、また拡張現実などの幅広い応用に高い期待がされている。本講演では、SLAMの基礎からはじめ、またその精度を向上させるようなロボットの軌道設計についてお話しする。数学的には、SLAMをカルマンフィルタによって行い、ある情報理論的な評価関数が最小になるようなロボットの入力を求める最適制御問題に取り組む。モデルに基づく制御法から、モデルに依存しない強化学習までの手法を提案し、実データを用いて性能の有効性を立証する。

略歴:2014年慶應義塾大学理工学部物理情報工学科卒、2020年カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校機械航空工学科博士課程修了。博士課程在学中にレンセラー工科大学にて訪問研究、またNASAジェット推進研究所、三菱電機研究所にてインターンを経験。2020年から、カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校電気コンピュータ工学科にてポスドク研究員。アメリカ制御学会の最優秀論文賞、カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校の制御分野における最優秀博士論文賞などを受賞。博士課程では偏微分方程式の制御理論、Extremum Seekingによる最適化と学習、またそれらの様々な応用(3Dプリンタ、リチウムイオン電池、熱エネルギー貯蔵、交通渋滞、気候変動)に従事。現在はロボティクスの最適化と機械学習、特に位置地図同時推定(SLAM)や軌道設計などのプロジェクトに携わる。








Title: Centralized, Distributed, and Coalitional Model Predictive Control

Date: 2019.9.5

Abstract: Model predictive control (MPC) has become of the most popular control techniques due its flexibility. Issues such as constraints on the control problem variables, delays in the system dynamics, and multiple objectives can be handled explicitly in the MPC framework. The evolution of computer, information and communication technologies has motivated the application of MPC to problems beyond its scope years ago and the development multiple noncentralized MPC approaches. The goal of this talk is to present a coherent and easily accessible overview regarding model predictive control and some of the latest developments regarding its application to large-scale cyber physical systems, including topics such as coalitional control and human in the loop. 

Biography: J.M. Maestre received the Ph.D. degree in automation and robotics from the University of Seville, where he works as associate professor. He has also worked in LTH at Lund University, TU Delft, and Tokyo Institute of Technology, where he is currently funded by the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science. Besides his PhD, which was awarded with the extraordinary prize of the University of Seville, he also has master degrees in intelligent buildings and economics. His main research interests are the control of distributed systems and the integration of service robots in the smart home. He has authored and coauthored more than one hundred publications regarding these topics. He is also editor of the books  “Service robotics within the Digital Home: Applications and Future Prospects” (Springer, 2011), “Distributed Model Predictive Control Made Easy” (Springer, 2014), and “Domotica para Ingenieros”  (Paraninfo, 2015). Finally, he is one of the founders of the technological firms Idener and Eskesso.

Title: Randomized Communication Protocols for Secure Networked Control Under Jamming Attacks

Date: 2019.8.1

Abstract: Recent control architectures in cyber physical systems utilize wireless communication technologies for transmission of measurement and control data packets to remote locations. As the Internet of Things is becoming more popular, the use of wireless technologies in networked control systems is expected to increase even more. These new developments are bringing efficiency to control systems, but they are also expected to introduce vulnerabilities that can be exploited by cyber-attackers. For instance, jamming attackers may be able block the transmission of data packets on a wireless channel by emitting strong interference signals. It has been shown recently that wireless networked control systems that are designed based on classical periodic (or event-driven) sampled-data control approaches may suffer from jamming attacks and face instability even under attacks coming from an energy-constrained attacker. To avoid instability under such control approaches, a restriction on the attack frequency becomes necessary. Specifically, the frequency at which the jamming attacks can be turned on and off is required to be less than the frequency of the communication attempts. In this talk, we will look at a new randomized control & communication approach that allows secure operation under jamming attacks with arbitrarily large frequencies. In this approach, control and measurement data packets are attempted to be transmitted at random time instants with a fixed expected interval between them. We show that this randomized scheme guarantees infinitely many successful transmissions in the long run as long as the intervals of jamming attacks do not cover the entire time domain. In multi-agent systems with marginally-stable integrator agent dynamics, this suffices for achieving consensus. To handle networked control of plants with unstable dynamics, we further look at the long run average number of successful transmissions. We show by employing tail probability bounds that this average number is actually lower-bounded by a constant that depends solely on the attack durations and not on the attack frequency. By using a recent result on the stability of networked control systems, we show that our randomized approach can guarantee almost-sure asymptotic stabilization if the average jamming duration is sufficiently small regardless of how frequent the attacks may occur.





略歴:2009年大阪大学大学院工学研究科機械工学専攻博士後期課程修了.同年電気通信大学システム工学科助教,22015年同大学 i-パワードエネルギー・システム研究センター准教授となり現在に至る.博士(工学).ハイブリッドシステムや制御系セキュリティに関する研究に従事.2016年より制御システムセキュリティセンター顧問.


