Sub plan

Students enter gym and sit quietly in their assigned spots.  

Warm up (5 minutes) Row by row students may get a jump rope from the rack and return to their spot.  On the music (if you have appropriate music you may connect you device to the speaker) students may free jump in their spot. Row by row students may return rope to the rack. Safety: Control rope, keep space)

Fitness(10 spots 1 minute per spot):  Exercise spots around the big white circle. Students may work in pairs or  a group of 3.  Students look at the dot and perform the exercise on the dot for 1 minute, rotate one dot clockwise after each minute until they have wen around all dots (Kindergarten may need a little help, you may use the timer to track the one minute, dots are located on the black bench).

Main activity: The wolfs den.  (Have class watch this video (or teacher can watch the video and explain).  Safety: Control speed, keep your head up, stay inside the basketball court.  Round one (3 minutes rounds) have students walk only, when you feel comfortable and students are in control they may run the next round. You may take a break after a couple of rounds for a water break. Play rounds until there is 10 minutes remaining in the period.

Cool down:  Students return to to their spots.  Student cool down with a body scan. (Play video on projector students follow along).