Individual dance and gymnastics training

Below are activities for gymnastics and Dance

Reps and Sets

Strength training is essential to your success as a gymnast. You need to possess functional strength that allows you to control your body’s weight and inertia through various routines. The strength-building portion needs to focus on carefully increasing strength while minimizing the amount of muscle mass you create. You will perform multiple compound lifts using a set and repetition structure that goes both over and under the hypertrophic threshold of six to 12 reps per set. Your heavy lift days (once per week) will involve three to five sets of five reps, and your light lifting days will center around exercises performed through 13 to 15 reps per set.

Core Lifts

Your weight-training exercises will work every major muscle group in your body. Compound exercises engage both the primary target muscle groups, as well as the network of smaller secondary muscles you will need to stabilize yourself and maintain balance during your routine. Your core lifts will include flat and incline bench presses, military shoulder presses, deadlifts, squats, dumbbell toe raises, bent-over rows and leg presses.

Remain Flexible

The other three training sessions each week will focus on improving flexibility and developing the explosiveness you need for a gymnastics routine. Many of the flexibility exercises will utilize your body weight, just like your routine will, acclimating your body to the short, intense bursts of anaerobic activity that is central to gymnastics. As you progress, you can increase the difficulty of some exercises by using a weighted medicine ball (use very light weight to prevent overtraining). Begin with box jumps, walking lunges, front and side planks, Russian twists, front and side hyper-extensions and dot drills.

Dance is exercise, so the physical benefits of dancing will be similar to that of other cardio activities.

  • Improves cardiovascular health. ...

  • Improves balance and strength. ...

  • Gentle on your body. ...

  • Boosts cognitive performance. ...

  • Challenges your brain. ...

  • Is inclusive. ...

  • Can be a social activity. ...

  • Helps boost your mood.

Simone Biles