

I am available for support via email

Zoom Meeting Link: Please open link to start class when it is your classes specials time.

Zoom Link

Meeting ID 834 570 5656

Security Passcode k51sZ5

Class lesson's are in the remote learning tab. Pull it down select your class to see lesson content.

All remote learners please work on getting the following equipment:

A Jump rope, A soccer ball, A Resistance band, A Basketball, A Tennis ball, A Frisbee, Ping pong balls do your best if you are having trouble gathering this equipment please email me

P.E. Remote Schedule:

9:05-9:50 5th grade Beard

9:55-10:40 4th grade Tripp (asynchronous)

10:45-11:30 3rd grade Austin

12:10-12:55 Kindergarten Palmer

1:00-1:45 1st grade Romero

1:50-2:35 2nd grade McCreedy & Tate (asynchronous)

What is Synchronous Learning?

Synchronous learning is the kind of learning that happens in real time. This means that you, your classmates, and your instructor interact in a specific virtual place, through a specific online medium, at a specific time. In other words, it’s not exactly anywhere, anyhow, anytime. Methods of synchronous online learning include video conferencing, teleconferencing, live chatting, and live-streaming lectures.

What is Asynchronous Learning?

Asynchronous learning happens on your schedule. While your course of study, instructor will provide materials for reading, lectures for viewing, assignments for completing, and exams for evaluation, you have the ability to access and satisfy these requirements within a flexible time frame. Methods of asynchronous online learning include self-guided lesson modules, streaming video content, virtual libraries, posted lecture notes, and exchanges across discussion boards or social media platforms.

Below are some general activities for all students to explore. I am adding new content to this page each week.

Complete and track the 30 day mental health

Complete and track 30 day healthy eating challenge

Complete and track 30 day push up challenge