Individual soccer training

Below are 8 varied soccer drills for kids that will focus on the following soccer outcomes which are vital for all kids to master.

  • Ball Mastery – Be able to manipulate and control the ball. Being comfortable with all surfaces of your feet (inside, outside, sole and laces) as well as your thighs, chest and head which are the other common areas where ball control and manipulation takes place.

  • First Touch – Being in control as soon as the ball arrives is vital to keep the ball and make the best decision for your team. You must learn to control that first touch as the ball comes to you on the floor, in the air, at various speeds and angles.

  • Turning – The ability to turn your body with and without the football. Football is not about running in straight lines so it’s vital that you learn how to turn with the ball at your feet whilst being in control the whole time

  • Dribbling – Using both feet to move the ball closely at your feet in different directions and speeds.

  • Running with the ball – take bigger touches whilst running with the ball under control. This is often straight line work focusing on accelerating and decelerating with the ball and reaching top speed with the ball at your feet.

  • Ball Striking – A football can be kicked in a number of different ways. Striking with power or creating a curl on the ball using different surfaces of your feet to gain the desired outcome. The key here is the part of the football that is struck along with body position and follow through. Timing is also vital when striking a moving ball or one that is in the air like a volley

  • Quick Feet – The pace at which your feet move can be the decisive factor to beat an opponent. Developing quick reflex action with anticipation to make the ball do what you want at speed. Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are masters of this.

Ball Mastery & First Touch

Juggling & First Touch

This is all about being able to control the ball and build that relationship so you are comfortable with the ball.

Working in a pair, focus on aerial ball control and mastering your touches when the ball is coming at you from a height.

Turn Square

A fun exercise working on all facets of 1v1 domination which is a must have attribute for any top football player.


Develop your quick feet and turns with explosive movements and a final shot at the end. A fun exercise for all kids.


A 5 stage shooting challenge covering most kids favorite part of football training. Focuses on ball striking.

Ball Striking & Quick Feet

Mia Hamm (my favorite all time soccer player)


Pele The Master and His Method

If you are looking for more training ideas for any individual sport please email me