Week 9

Day 1 P.E.

We are learning to throw the frisbee properly

I can throw a frisbee to a target with proper power and control

Warm up: Frisbee Golf Specific

Frisbee Golf Explained

How To Throw a Frisbee

Main Activity: Frisbee Throwing Practice

Set this activity up to the best of your abilities, space and equipment. Practice throwing your frisbee for 15 minutes to various targets.

Cool Down Stretching

Day 2 P.E.

We are building a Frisbee Golf Course

I can build a Frisbee Golf Course and use what I build to practice the game of Frisbee Golf

Building an at home Frisbee Golf Course: Your course does not have to use this equipment this is an idea for you to use and modify with what you have at home

Main Activity: Build a frisbee golf course with 5 holes. Then play your course, keep score if you choose. Work on throwing your frisbee with a DRIVE--APPROACH ---FINISHING SHOT

Best Frisbee Golf Shots

Day 3 P.E. Asynchronous for all students

We are learning about bicycle safety

I am successful when I know the key safety procedures for riding a bicycle.

Bicycle Safety Part 1

Bicycle Skill Training Part 1

Bicycle Skill Training Part 2

Main Activity: Family Bike Ride. Go on a fun safe bike ride with your family. Have Fun riding your bike all summer.

The health benefits of regular cycling include:

  • increased cardiovascular fitness.

  • increased muscle strength and flexibility.

  • improved joint mobility.

  • decreased stress levels.

  • improved posture and coordination.

  • strengthened bones.

  • decreased body fat levels.

  • prevention or management of disease.