Week 8

Day 1 P.E. Equipment Basketball

We are working to improve our basketball handling skill

I am successful when I can dibble the basketball under control with right and left hand

Basketball Specific Warm UP

Basketball Dribbling Skills: watch video then practice where you have space. Do not worry about going fast go slow and get control.

Free dribble practice in your best space. 10 minutes

Static Stretch Cool Down

Day 2 P.E.

We are learning about the health benefits from playing basketball

I am success when I can list health benefits from playing basketball

I am successful when I can participate to the best of my abilities

I am active for 45 minutes

Warm Up: Dynamic Basketball Warm Up

Benefits From Playing Basketball

Indoor Basketball Handling Skills: Practice These Skills

Cool Down: Yoga For Basketball Players

Day 3 P.E.

We are learning about historical basketball players

I am successful when I know information about historical legends in the sport of basketball

Warm Up: Basketball Specific Yoga

NBA Legends

Main Activity: Research a basketball player of your choice. Send me an email telling me the following information about your player. This assignment is due before the start of our next rotation together. If you need any support please email me


  1. Name

  2. What team/teams did they play for

  3. What college did they attend

  4. Describe what you see when you watch them play

Meditation to Improve Basketball Performance

There is know specials on Thursday April 29th due to CMAS and no school April 30th