Individual volleyball training

Below are individual volleyball activities

Volleyball Skill to Practice at Home

Phase 1: Ankle Warm-Up

The first exercise in the pre-practice strength and agility workout is a simple walk, first on the toes, then on the heels. This gets the ankles warm for the more dynamic drills that will follow.

Phase 2: Crawl, Lunge, Glute Stretch

Next up in the pre-practice strength and agility workout are three exercises:

  1. A crawl, where the athletes are on their hands and feet and walk their toes up to their hands.

  2. Walking lunges where they take big steps forward, getting a full knee bend.

  3. A sitting glute stretch where they put one leg on top of their other leg, then switch.

Phase 3: 60 Second-Plank

After the sitting lower-ab work, players do a one-minute plank as a continuation of their core work. For younger athletes, the plank might be shorter in duration.

Phase 4: Volleyball-specific sprints

Phase 4 is designed to recreate moves that the players will make later in practice on the volleyball court.

Starting line Jump attack----sprint 20 yards---- Finish line set---walk return to start

Volleyball Fitness

Misty May and Kerri Walsh

Sitting Volleyball