Spanish Diary in Italy

Mondey, 17th May 2021

On the first day, we got to know the town of Gallarete from our Italian partner. We also got to know the facilities and workshops where our partner has been manufacturing his pneumatic Go-Kart.

These are the videos that they explained to us and the Quitzs that we made to consolidate what we learned:


IIS A. Ponti:

Finally, we teach the rest of the partners the operation and the manufacturing process of our Spanish Go-Kart, powered by Hydrogen Fuel Cell energy.


IIS A. Ponti

Tuesday, 18th May 2021

First of all, from the Polytechnic University of Milan we got to know two interesting competitions in which they participate.

Milan Politechnic University Competition

Formula SAE

Next, we saw a video with the presentation of the Italian Kart.

Later, our Italian partner explained to us with a presentation, all the parts of the compressed air Go-Kart that they have manufactured.

Finally, we do a Quitz to get to know the parts of the Italian Go-Kart in depth.

Wednesday, 19th May 2021

First, we saw an explanatory video about pneumatic motors, like the one they have used in the Italian Go-Kart and other pneumatic applications.

Then we did a Quitz to consolidate what we learned about engines and pneumatic components.

Then, the students of the IIS Ponti gave us a hopeful presentation about a sustainable future

Finally, we bid farewell to the day with a video summary of the manufacturing process of the compressed air Go-Kart, carried out by our Italian partners.

Thusday, 20th May 2021

We started the day with a presentation explaining the necessary safety measures when handling compressed air systems.

Subsequently, Virginia Vidal, the Eramus + project coordinator at IES Gregorio Prieto in Spain, explained to us how to continue collaborating and developing joint projects.

Next, an Italian student with taught the impressive 3-dimensional design they made of the Italian Go-Kart.

Finally, our Italian partner showed us an exciting video that sums up the project so far very well.

Friday, 21th May 2021

We started the last day with 2 great live tests of the Italian compressed air Go-Kart.

Next, Giuseppe Martino, the director of the Italian institute IIS Andrea Ponti, dedicated a few nice words to all the members. And then the Mayor of Gallarate, Andrea Cassani.

Guiseppe Martino

Headmaster of IIS Andrea Ponti (Gallarate)

Andrea Cassani

Mayor of Gallarate.

Next, we watched a technical video on CVT transmissions applicable to GO-Kart.

Then, as always, we did a Quiz about the Erasmus Kart project in general.

Later, our French partner showed us the design for the implementation of alternative energy in his Go-Kart, using solar panels.

Finally, we say goodbye to virtual mobility with a presentation of everything we have missed by not being able to travel to Italy, talking about Italian culture from multiple aspects and thanking our Italian partner for the excellent organization of his virtual mobility.