Project co-funded by the Erasmus + Program of the European Union


The "Manufacture a kart with alternative energies" project is co-financed by the Erasmus + program of

the European Union. The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the project partners and neither the

European Commission, nor the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE) are

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IES Gregorio Prieto, Spain

The IES GREGORIO PRIETO is a public center located in the town of Valdepeñas, Ciudad Real, Castilla la Mancha, of large dimensions, 30,000 m2 of total area and 7 main buildings.

In 1929 it was founded with the denomination Elementary School of Work in order to professionally train workers. In 1967 the works of the current center are carried out. What was a necessary and romantic illusion of the pioneers of Vocational Training is now a burning reality. The course 92/93 the Faculty Senate and the School Council request the Ministry that the Institute be renamed "Gregorio Prieto", granted by the M.E.C. through O.M. of February 24, 1993.

With the implementation of the LOGSE, Compulsory Secondary Education and the Bachelor's Degrees in Humanities-Social Sciences and Technology were incorporated, adapting Vocational Training to the new titles and contents of the Middle and Higher Vocational Training Cycles.

The Center is located in an urban area next to the municipal park, the Industrial Estate, the other Institutes and new urbanizations that have experienced during the last years an important population increase.

The geographical origin of the students varies according to the type of studies in question. In Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate students come from the city of Valdepeñas, Consolación and San Carlos del Valle.

In this course 17-18, the total number of personnel in our center is: 128 professors, 5 counseling, 2 administration, 6 cleaning, and of students: 1551.

The purpose of "I.E.S. Gregorio Prieto "is preparing people in the human, scientific and technical field, with a critical spirit, ethical behavior, satisfaction in their learning, respect for the environment and integration into society. Successful access to the University, the world of work, and even the creation of their own company.