Realising Potential

Challenge for All

The Welsh Education Consortia MAT team has changed its name to Realising Potential.

Why?  The work of the team has evolved to address the national priority of ‘challenge for all learners’ in order to ensure that all learners are appropriately and equitably supported to meet their full potential. 

All learners are entitled to be supported in their progress and enabled in realising their aspirations, regardless of their starting point.

Cross-Regional Realising Potential Team  

The Cross-Regional Realising Potential team is here to support schools with a range of professional learning opportunities and resources to enable the development of a clear vision in relation to supporting all learners in embracing high aspirations and realising their potential,  as they engage with their learning. 

 Aspects of wellbeing support will be a key consideration,  alongside national priorities such as reducing the impact that poverty and disadvantage can have on progression and attainment, with all support fully aligning with the realisation of the Curriculum for Wales and the Principles of Progression.

For more information on Realising Potential please contact your regional consortium:

Central South Consortium (CSC)

The Education Achievement Service (EAS)

Sian Farquharson - 

North Wales Regional School Improvement 

Service (GwE)

Mair Herbert -  

Paul Davies -


Anthony Jones - 

Mid Wales Education Partners (MWP)

Gareth Lanagan - 

Consortia Programme Director

Helen Richards -