Equity in Education - Professional Learning

This set of professional learning materials is available for free to all teachers in maintained schools across Wales.

Funding has been provided by Welsh Government, through EAS, GwE, the Mid-Wales Education Partnership and Partneriaeth. All teachers in Wales can access the materials for free. Sign up using your Hwb email.

Take a tour around the Teaching and Learning to support Vulnerable and Disadvantaged Learners resource to find out how you can support learners in your classroom. 

Teaching and Learning to Support Vulnerable and Disadvantaged Learners website link - ENG

Family and Community Engagement Programme  

A national programme is available to support Family and Community Engagement (FaCE) Officers. The programme is delivered via four modules over an eight-week period and uses the Welsh Government - FaCE the challenge together: Family and community engagement toolkit for schools in Wales. 

Between each module, participants will be guided to complete school-based action research to ensure their offer is meeting the needs of their wider community.  

Overview of Programme