External Verifier Development

The External Verifier role (EV) is a quality assurance role supporting Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs) and their Induction Mentors (IMs). All EVs supporting NQTs are expected to attend a two hour briefing session every year, coordinated by regional consortia and EWC.


All External Verifiers (EVs) supporting Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs).


The session outlines the induction process and the roles and responsibilities of the EV. The session aims to develop a consistent national approach to induction support. The purpose of the session is to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding to become an effective EV.

Delivery method

This is an online session facilitated through Microsoft teams delivered through the medium of Welsh and English. The session is run in the Autumn term, with specific dates to be shared on consortia and LA websites.

Delivery of the session will be through interactive facilitated sessions on teams. The session will be

designed to address key aspects of the statutory process and to deal with questions. Each session will last no longer than two hours and will take place at a variety of times including twilights. 

Session content:

• Aims of Induction

• Roles and responsibilities

• NQT entitlements

• Statutory guidelines

• Schedule of the process

• Profile content – development priorities, reviews and professional learning experiences (PLEs) 

• Coaching and mentoring approaches to supporting staff

• Effective meetings/relationships with staff

• EWC demonstration of the online profile

In addition EVs will be invited to attend regional moderation during the summer

Link to the National team