RADY and Thinking Differently

Raising the Attainment for Disadvantaged Youngsters (RADY) and Thinking Differently are two professional development opportunities from the team at Challenging Education (https://challengingeducation.co.uk).  

RADY focuses on identifying young people with untapped potential in schools and works with schools to ensure these disadvantaged young people are given the necessary support to achieve in line with their non-disadvantaged peers. This whole-school approach helps schools become more equitable in all aspects of education.  

Thinking Differently is Challenging Educations mission to get ‘as many staff in as many schools as possible to access quality training in order to ultimately help all disadvantaged learners to attain’. The professional learning offer is based around 6 training modules for schools and staff to access at their convenience. The sessions are steeped in research, delivered by field experts and offer useful case studies of good practice. Schools access the service via his link: https://reports.challengingeducation.co.uk/schools/urncheck  and will only need their schools URN and password to access.