Coaching and Mentoring Accreditation

Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) Accreditation Benefits  


Anyone who has completed either the national or regional delivery of the National Coaching and Mentoring programme is eligible to undertake accreditation.  The level you choose to pursue is entirely your decision, the notes in the overviews provided are for guidance only.  

Current and prior coaching and mentoring candidates are eligible to undertake accreditation  

The Consortia does have a number of fully funded places available, please contact  for details.  

Coaching and Mentoring ILM Level 3 Overview English.pdf

ILM Level 3 Overview

Coaching and Mentoring ILM Level 5 Overview English.pdf

ILM Level 5 Overview

Coaching and Mentoring ILM Level 7 Overview English.pdf

ILM Level 7 Overview

Coaching and Mentoring Supervision ILM Level 7 Overview English.pdf

ILM Level 7 Supervision Overview

ILM Level 3 briefing