"I enjoy learning. I am a communicator and I am open-minded."
Here are some things I care about, and that I am good with. Also, some actions I can take to help make the world a little better connected to these things and the SDGs.
When thinking about PYP Exhibition, the word that comes to mind is fun. If you finish the PYP Exhibition, I will be in secondary, and I am really looking forward to that. I think it will be fun.
Week 3 - Jan. 29 - Feb. 2
During this week, students chose their PYP Exhibition focus. They will choose their lines of inquiry. On Thursday Feb. 1, they will have the chance to share about how their learning journal brought them to this decision with our learning community in our first Present, Connect, Reflect.
Taichi talking to his mom for our first "Present, Connect, Reflect".
Week 4 - March 18 - 22
During this week, students are really getting started with their research, and organise their research in their own way (planning for how to use the different components of MISO). They get to meet with their mentor for the first time. They set new goals using the approaches to learning skills, and thought about possible ideas for action.
As part of our PYP Exhibition, we are always reflecting. Here is my reflection at the end of the week for all the great stuff I have done this week, and some things I need to improve on for next week.
Grade 5 PYP Exhibition