Parent Communication
Central Idea: Passion, purpose or curiosity inspire us to lead and take action.
セントラルアイデア - 人は自分が持つパッション、才能、知識からインスピレーションを受け行動を起こすことができま
Initial Information Letter
November 27, 2023 - PYPx Orientation
Dear Parents,
If you were unable to attend our meeting on November 27th, please review these Google Slides that we used for the presentation.
If you're an expert in a certain field, we encourage you to volunteer your expertise! Students can reach out to you as a primary resource.
Thursday Feb. 1, 2024 - Present, Connect, Reflect
Dear Parents,
I hope you are well, and that you had a wonderful weekend. I am just emailing you to remind you about this week's first Present, Connect, Reflect session connected to the PYP Exhibition. It will be on Thursday February 1, from 2:40 - 3:20 in the grade 5 classroom.
During this session, your child will share what their topic for their PYP Exhibition is, and they will explain the learning journey that has taken place for them to make that decision. Following your discussion with your own child, you will talk to other grade 5 students about their process and topic. This is an extremely valuable session for the students, as they are practising sharing their learning with the community, which they will do on a larger scale in April when we complete the Exhibition process.
I look forward to seeing you there!! If you are not able to make it, please let me know, so I can try to arrange other adults (or even older siblings) to join us at that time to talk to your child.
Lastly, while the session will be held in English on my end, you will be free to speak to your own child in your home language.
Have a great week.
Dear Parent(s)/Caregivers,
Thank you for your engagement during the PYP Exhibition Information session. Please see some answers to some FAQ that have come in the past throughout the Exhibition process.
Also thank you to all the parents who have completed the Parent Expert form. It wonderful to have parents as primary resources during the Exhibition process. If you have not had the chance to complete this form, you can find it under the Resources/Parent Experts tab on the PYPx website.
Below please find the answers to some of the common questions that were posted on the Padlet:
1. Do other schools do the Exhibition?
All schools that offer the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) have the Exhibition in the final year of the programme. The Exhibition is the culminating experience for students in the programme.
2. What is the deadline for choosing the issue/opportunity?
Students will need to have decided on their issue/opportunity they want to explore by the end of week 3 (January 29 - February 2).
3. How important is it to take action?
Action is integral to the Primary Years Programme (PYP) learning process and to the programme's overarching outcome of international-mindedness. The action students may take as a result of this learning process is student-initiated and can be individual or collective. Action can happen at any time in the process, it may be short or long term, revisited or ongoing. (PYP: From principles into practice, The learner)
4. Is there a process for choosing an issue/opportunity?
The second week of the Exhibition process (Nov. 27 - Dec. 2), students will engage in the Week of Inspiration. During this week, students will be exposed to a variety of provocations to spark their curiosity and wonder. These provocations will also help them to think about an issue/opportunity that they have a personal connection to. Students might also be considering previous learning from other units that they would like to explore further.
5. Can the website be accessed at home?
Yes, the website will be updated throughout the process and can be accessed from home.
6. How will I further develop my understanding of the process?
The PYPx website will document the process week by week. Also, the Present/Connect/Reflect sessions will help you to further develop your understanding of the learning process your child is engaged in. Please be sure to put the dates for these sessions in your calendar.
7. Are there any forms to organize my research during the process?
Yes, students will be able to access a variety of visible thinking tools to help organize their thinking from their research. You may click here to view examples of Harvard Project Zero visible thinking routines.
Feel free to email Ms. Tremblay if you have any other questions about the Exhibition process.