April 1 - April 5

PYPx -Week 6

Central Idea: Passion, purpose or curiosity inspire us to lead and take action.

セントラルアイデア - 人は自分が持つパッション、才能、知識からインスピレーションを受け行動を起こすことができま

Overview of the Week

Objectives for the Week

Academic Integrity - Citations Mybib


Students have been using MyBib to keep track of the sources they are using for researsch throughout their PYP Exhibition. This week, we will have one of the DP students, and our student teacher talk to G5 about the importance of academic honesty throughout their educational career. They begin this process in the PYP, and develop strong habits which will last them a lifetime. 

Recording Finding - Using Visible Thinking Routines

**Pictures coming soon**

The Four Cs

One of the visible thinking routines that students have been using throughout the Exhibition research process is the 4Cs. This allows them see Connections, Concepts, Challenges, and how their thinking has Changed. 

Cornell Notes

Cornell Notes is always a popular thinking routine, because it allows for students to take open notes throughout their research. They also have the opportunity to document their questions that natrually come up throughout their process. 

Facts vs. Opinions

We all have opinions about the facts that we read. This visible thinking routine allows students to gain new knowledge, and share their opinions about it. 

Primary Sources


The I in MISO - Interviews!! Some students are meeting with teachers in the HIS community, others are conducting interviews using zoom in order to get experts from many different locations. This process provides students with an opportunity to share their learning with a new human, and develop a stronger understanding of lines of inquiry.   


The S in MISO - Surveys!! Students have been getting information from a large group of people using google form surveys. They are sending these out with the help of their parents, mentors, and teachers.  


As a way to reach a large audience, students have been using FlipGrid to get video responses to questions being asked connected to their lines of inquiry. This allows for diverse responses from people all over the world! 

Big Understandings from LOI 1

Students spent three weeks learning about their first line of inquiry. This was a very guided process, because for many of them, it was the first time they experienced something to this scale. Here are some understandings that students now have about their issue/opportunity/topic.

**Coming soon**