April 8 - April 12

PYPx -Week 7

Central Idea: Passion, purpose or curiosity inspire us to lead and take action.

セントラルアイデア - 人は自分が持つパッション、才能、知識からインスピレーションを受け行動を起こすことができま

Overview of the Week

Objectives for the Week

Present, Connect, Reflect # 3

On Tuesday April 9 (N day) parents are invited to attend the third "Present, Connect, Reflect" session, which will take place in the grade 5 classrooms. 

These sessions are very important for both parent and student. After sharing with their own parent, students will share with other parents from the classroom. This is a very valuable practise, as it helps to diversify the feedback that is given, and allows for more more creativity! Parents may know someone who the student can connect with. 

Present, Connect, Reflect (Presentations)

Self-Assessment (and setting new goals)

PYPx Goals and Assessment

Students will look at the goals they set for themselves in week 5, and assess how they have progressed with these goals. They are focused on the Approaches to Learning Skills. 

Students will also set new goals to work on for the rest of their Exhibition process. 

Lastly, students will ask for feedback from their mentor about how they have progressed with these goals. 

Brainstorming for a Provocation


Students will watch the video in order to understand what a provocation is. They used  the slides to see past examples of PYPx provocations in order to get ideas for their own provocation they will create. We will discuss the different provocations that have happened in our learning throughout the school year. 

What is a provocation?