March 18 - March 22

PYPx -Week 4

Central Idea: Passion, purpose or curiosity inspire us to lead and take action.

セントラルアイデア - 人は自分が持つパッション、才能、知識からインスピレーションを受け行動を起こすことができま

Key Objectives

Objectives of the Week:

MISO (Media, Interviews, Surveys, Observations)

Students used these slides to develop their understanding of the different components of MISO (Media, Interviews, Surveys, and Observations). They watched the video to gain a better understanding of what each component entails. 

MISO - Media, Interviews, Surveys, Observations

Students then had to generate some questions connected to each Line of Inquiry. They will attempt to answer all of these questions throughout their PYP Exhibition. These questions are a combination of thick and thin questions, so students will need a variety of types of sources to get their answers. 

Here are some examples of the questions students genereated... 

Setting New ATL Skills Goals

PYPx Goals and Assessment

Student set new goals for themselves this week that reflected where they believed they have the highest need for growth in connected to their approaches to learning skills. These goals will be the metric that students use to measure their own success throughout the PYP Exhibition.

Here are some reflections students wrote about the goals the set for the first three weeks of the PYPx process... 

(Urara) - "I am still not good at staying on task. I need Ms. Tremblay to remind me a few times."

(Subaru) "I can think a little bit, but still I need a lot of help. I need to think more."

(Kai Cho) "I have not planned anything, and I do not always work as effectively as possible. I need a lot of help with this still. "

(Kaai Li) "I think my self-management skills developed a lot, now I can concentrate and I can find a place where I can concentrate."

(Chaewon) "I feel very nice because taking responsibility for all personal belongings are very important and I’m taking care of my stuff like cubby my desk.."

First Mentor Meeting

When students meet with their mentor for the first time, they will have their mentor meeting slide filled out with questions to ask them!

During this meeting, they will discuss the following points:

Literacy Focus - Writing for Change

Throughout the Exhibition, students will have choice on how they will inspire change through their writing. 

To start off the writing lessons this week, students reviewed the reasons why people writing - to inform, to persuade, and to entertain. Students chose their purpose for writing throughout the PYP Exhibition, using their strengths, or skills they want to develop. 

They brainstormed ways in which their writing can inspire others, and what is best for the right audience and topic. 

They then watched videos of young people using their writing skills to inspire change.

Research - First Line of Inquiry (Visible Thinking Routines)

Throughout the school year, students have been familiarising themselves with these Visible Thinking Routines. This week, they chose one or more of these they would like to work with, and become more comfortable with using them. 

Thinking Routines (Research) - Templates

Here are some examples of students documenting their thinking while researching... 

Kai Cho - learning about how mental health and exercise are connected. 

Ceres - learning about cancer. 

Action and Values

Students looked at the list of values and highlighted their top 5-10 that were the most important to them. The idea is that the actions they choose to take connected to their issue/topic should align with their personal values. 

Students looked at the different types of action that can be taken (especially for a grade 5 student), thought about some different actions they can take (connected to their issue/topic, and grouped those actions into who they would have the most impact on. 

They then chose a few of those actions, and reflected on how they would best match up with their personal values

Kaai Li's actions, and how they align with her values.

Kai Cho's actions, and how they align with his values.

Chaewon's actions, and how they align with her values.