April 15 - April 19

PYPx -Week 8

Central Idea: Passion, purpose or curiosity inspire us to lead and take action.

セントラルアイデア - 人は自分が持つパッション、才能、知識からインスピレーションを受け行動を起こすことができま

Overview of the Week

Objectives for this week

Synthesising Data - Slides for Sharing

Students prepared their most important information to be shared with the community during their sharing for next week. They chose their own slides template, and organised their research in a way where they can most effectively present to the school community. Below are some examples of these slides:

Kaai's Slides for Sharing

Slides for Community Sharing

Kai's Slides for Sharing

community sharing

Anujin's Slides for Sharing

Slides for Community Sharing Anujin

Subaru's Slides for Sharing


Student Provocations

Students created a provocation for their presentation. This artifact will act as an "invitation to a conversation" when presenting to the HIS Learning Community next week. 

Ceres - Cancer in the lungs

Kai Cho - Alternate Brains

Subaru - Two sets of lungs

Urara - Smoking baby

How We Organise Ourselves - unit connection

For homework, students were given the task to look at a few different forms of media, and answer the following questions:

Students were provided with various advertising techniques, in alignment with the line of inquiry techniques used to enrich media. This allowed them to plan better for their own provocation

Advertising Strategies (1).pdf
Advertising Techniques