April 22 - April 26

PYPx -Community sharing 

Central Idea: Passion, purpose or curiosity inspire us to lead and take action.

セントラルアイデア - 人は自分が持つパッション、才能、知識からインスピレーションを受け行動を起こすことができま

Overview of the Week

Objectives for the Week

Self-Assessment (and setting new goals)

Students will look at the goals they set for themselves in week 5, and assess how they have progressed with these goals. They are focused on the Approaches to Learning Skills. 

Students will also set new goals to work on for the rest of their Exhibition process. 

Lastly, students will ask for feedback from their mentor about how they have progressed with these goals. 

PYPx Goals and Assessment

Preparing their Provocation / Preparing to Present

Our Classroom Transformation

Our class transformed into a museum, and we took over the library for our presentations. 

Completing Plans for Action

Bee Garden

As part of her action. Chaewon has created an HIS bee garden. When speaking with one of the experts, she learned that bees love lavender and sunflowers. She works hard every day to make sure these plants are watered, and taken care of.