March 25 - March 29

PYPx -Week 5

Central Idea: Passion, purpose or curiosity inspire us to lead and take action.

セントラルアイデア - 人は自分が持つパッション、才能、知識からインスピレーションを受け行動を起こすことができま

Overview of the Week

Objectives for the Week

Present, Connect, Reflect # 2

On Friday March 29 (A day), parents are invited to attend the second "Present, Connect, Reflect" session, which will take place in the grade 5 classrooms. 

These sessions are very important for both parent and student. After sharing with their own parent, students will share with other parents from the classroom. This is a very valuable practise, as it helps to diversify the feedback that is given, and allows for more more creativity! Parents may know someone who the student can connect with. 

Present, Connect, Reflect (Presentations)

Self-Assessment (and setting new goals)

PYPx Goals and Assessment

Students will look at the goals they set for themselves in week 3, and assess how they have progressed with these goals. They are focused on the Approaches to Learning Skills. 

Students will also set new goals to work on for the rest of their Exhibition process. 

Lastly, students will ask for feedback from their mentor about how they have progressed with these goals. 

Survey vs. Interview

Primary Source

One of the must do components of the PYP Exhibition is students must gather some information first-hand, aka a primary source! Students will do this with either a survey, or an interview. 


With the help of their teacher, mentor, and the HIS community, students are finding someone to interview - either an expert, or someone who has a lot of experience in the subject they are learning about. This data is always qualitative.


Throughout the year, students have designed surveys to find out information from their peers. Now, they are going to find out information from a larger community. They will design questions that will give them a better understanding of questions they want to answer connected to their lines of inquiry. 

We are asking the HIS community to help us out with finding people to be used as primary sources for students research. 

Primary Sources Needed

Writing for Change

Which Genre is Best

Students will choose the genre of writing they want to do which will inspire change in others. They will present some form of their writing in the final Exhibition assembly in week 9. 

They will be given some examples to view/read of different writing done to inspire change in others...

People Will Always Need People (Poem)

A small drama skit done by students (play)

The Lorax  by Dr. Seuss (Story)

An inspirational speech by a young girl. 

Making decisions

Students need to make a final decision this week about their style of writing. They will use the writing and performances of others to help them make that choice.