Kai Cho

"I enjoy communicating with people. There can sometimes be pressure because taking risks can be hard. But after I take risks, I feel so proud of myself."

OnYoo (Kai) Cho - Student PYPx Process Journal 2023/24

Here are some things I am good at, things I care about, and some possible actions I could take. 

When I think about the PYP Exhibition, the one word that comes to mind is research. This is because... 

Week of Inspiration

Here are the inspirations we learned about in our Week of Inspiration. My favourite was... 

OnYoo (Kai) Cho - Documenting from Week of Inspiration

Week 3 - Jan. 29 - Feb. 2 

During this week, students chose their PYP Exhibition focus. They will choose their lines of inquiry. On Thursday Feb. 1, they will have the chance to share  about how their learning journal brought them to this decision with our learning community in our first Present, Connect, Reflect

Kai talking to other members of the parent community for our first "Present, Connect, Reflect".

Week 4 - March 18 - 22

During this week, students are really getting started with their research, and organise their research in their own way (planning for how to use the different components of MISO). They get to meet with their mentor for the first time. They set new goals using the approaches to learning skills, and thought about possible ideas for action. 

Mentor Meeting

This week I had my first meeting with my mentor. It went great! I was surprised that an ECKG teacher had so much information, because she it used to working with younger students. She spoke very clear, which made it easier to type what she was saying. She gave me a tip which was about my presentation, and making words coloured or bolded that are really important. She also said I can come to ECKG class at recess time for more help. She also said she would help me with my research. 

What I am Proud of This Week...

I am proud of my self - management skill and research skill but I was a little bit dizzy because of too much screen time. and I organized clearly and work super duper hard and one of my reason proud of is I love research!!

PYPx Resherch


As part of our PYP Exhibition, we are always reflecting. Here is my reflection at the end of the week for all the great stuff I have done this week, and some things I need to improve on for next week. 

Week 5 - March 25 - 29

This week is another week of strong research. Students will also be preparing for their writing piece that will last their entire PYP Exhibition. They have complete choice on how they will Write for Change. On Friday, we will have parents in for our second Present, Connect, Reflect session. 

Sustainable Development Goals

The UN Sustainable Development Goals provide some goals for students to work towards during their PYP Exhibition. Through their research and actions, they can help towards meeting these goals. 

Source: https://www.earlall.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/EPRS-Briefing-659415-SDGs-EU-regions-FINAL.webp

Present, Connect, Reflect

Today we had our second Present, Connect, Reflect with our parents. We talked about our process so far, and shared all of our research that we have done so far. We all started off talking with our own parents, then talked to other parents in the class. We will do this one more time this school year before we have our final sharing event on April 23-25. 

Week 6 - April 1-5

With only two weeks left for research, students will finish their research for Line of Inquiry 1, and move onto the other two lines of inquiry. They will find a way to connect with someone (or many someones) to gather information for their primary source. Students will work with their teacher to co-construct the success criteria for the assessment piece completed by their teacher over the last four weeks of the Exhibition process. 

My Primary Source

My primary source for my research is two interviews with Mr.  Washington, and Mr. B. The questions I asked in these interviews are as follows:

Mr. Washington

Mr. B

These connect to my Lines of Inquiry # 2 & 3, which are, "I am learning about which parts of the brain impact emotion" and "I am learning about what exercise does for our mental health"

I also create a FlipGrid where people answered the question "How does exercise help with your mental health?"

The most interesting things I have learned from these primary sources are:

Big Understandings

My big understandings about my first line of inquiry are as follows:

Week 6 Reflection

Week 7 - April 8 - 12

Last week of research! Students will come to an end of their "finding out" time, and move onto creating next week. Many students will take part in an interview, or look to get more information from a survey this week in order to round out their MISO needs. They will have their final Present, Connect, Reflect with the parent community on Wednesday, and connect with a school in the Philippines to discuss the PYPx process on Thursday. 

Present, Connect, Reflect

This week, I was assessed on these success criteria for our Present, Connect, Reflect:

Here's how I think I did on these goals:

LOI #3 - What Did I learn?

My most interesting piece of media that I read was a website called "The Health, Labour, and Wellfair" website. It was interesting because it was my first Japanese website, and the way that they talked was very different from other culture's websites. It gave more examples, and was more direct. 

My whole learning journey of research was interesting and hard because the topic that I chose was big and new to me so it was easy to get lost in so much information. One shocking fact that I learned about was that 1/5 people are struggling with mental health at a certain point of time in their life's.

Many websites that I looked at, share the same information so it was challenging to check which resources were trustworthy.


Week 7 Reflection

Week 8 - April 15 - 19

This week, the students are creating provocations that represent the learning that has gone on over the last 8 weeks. They are also preparing for their community sharing next week. 

My Slides for Sharing

The PYPx process journal is too big to share the whole thing during community sharing. Instead, I chose 10-15 slides that were really important during my learning process of the Exhibition. 

community sharing
community sharing slides

Creating my Provocation

This week, we are creating something that was inspired by our research.  Here are some pictures of me working through the process of my creation. This will be my "invitation to a conversation" when presenting to the HIS learning community. 

Week 8 Reflection

Week 9 - April 22 - 26

Our process has come to a close! This week, the students will share their learning with the HIS community. Below are pictures of this happening, and a reflection on the whole process (including assessments). 

Week 9 Reflection

Grade 5 PYP Exhibition
