October 23 -  October 27

PYPx -Week 1

Central Idea: Passion, purpose or curiosity inspire us to lead and take action.

セントラルアイデア - 人は自分が持つパッション、才能、知識からインスピレーションを受け行動を起こすことができま

Key Objectives

By the end of this week, students will be able to:

Learning Engagements

Welcome to the PYPx! Students received their digital process journal this week, and spent some time getting to know the types of documents we will be using to show our thinking throughout the PYPx process. Students will be adding to this each week that they work through the Exhibition. They will share this document with their mentor, and use it as a place to document all their thinking and research throughout the Exhibition. 

PYPx Process Journal
PYPx Goals and Assessment

Assessment tool

Students will use this tool for their individualised assessment throughout the PYP Exhibition. They will choose goals that are specific to their needs for independent work. This week, students were required to choose a goal connected to their self-management skills, as this is the ATL that will need the most attention for the beginning of the process. Students will assess themselves on their goal after week 3, then set new goals. 

Exploration of Issues

As students are still in the tuning-in phase of our inquiry cycle, here are some different resources that students can take a look at. Many students begin the exhibition with a tight hold on where they want to put all of their focus, only to find out that there are so many other passions they didn’t know they had (because they had never explored them). Students used these articles/websites/videos to find inspiration for their inquiry. 

Week 1 (Tuning in): Issues connected to PYPx

A grade 12 student named Shiori came to talk to the grade 5 students about her MYP Personal Project. She spoke about the process of making and keeping a process journal.